Saturday, September 26, 2015
10:20am to 12:00 noon
Resilient Garden Discussion Panel
Nadia Malarkey, Eric Limberg, Tim Honchel
Eric talked about his success in Milwaukee establishing a
Community Supportive Agriculture program on top of roof tops in downtown
Milwaukee. His organization, Victory
Garden Initiative, started with 20 volunteers and 50 gardens to over 500
volunteers. Members build raised bed
boxes and haul the growing medium up to the top of the roof of buildings. The project building involved a derelict
building in the city purchased for $100.
This building sat on a 1.5 acre land that is also being developed. Eric feels that his project has affected over
13,787 area people.
Nadia talked about her consulting business involving
design and building of sustainable landscaping.
She mentions that to have healthy ecosystems, you must have healthy
plants and soil. She tries to create
ecosystems welcoming to wildlife. She
has recently started a program to “bring back the pollinators” – landscaping that
would aid in bringing back pollinating insects including honey bees. Nadia also plants extensive milkweed for the
monarch butterflies. Since we only share
the landscaping with other creatures, she has led community efforts to
establish pesticide-free areas for the sake of wildlife protection. There is potential for an incredible diversity
of life in residential yards if it is only realized.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
8:30 am to 10:00 am
Maikwe Ludwig – Dancing Rabbit Intentional Community
Sustainable is Possible – Living a Low Carbon High
Quality Life
Maikwe presently lives in an intentional community
located in the very rural Northeast part of Missouri. She started off her presentation relating the
idea that to most people, sustainability sucks.
This is not the case at the community where her family live. Current belief by climate scientists includes
the idea that citizens in the USA need to reduce their carbon footprint down to
10% of what they now live. The Dancing
Rabbit Intentional Community has been living in this goal for several years
Imagine a lifestyle that involves the reduction of living
resources down to the 10% as recommended by climate scientists. At her intentional community, citizens
actually use 14 % of the average US electrical energy consumption. Their community has installed Solar
Photovoltaic Panels as a way to provide power to the community and sell the
excess back to the area’s utility company. They use 19% of the average US water
consumption. This is achieved by using
composting toilets, having gardens and not lawns, and they take showers only
when needed. The use of the community
pond is frequently used during the summer months.
Dancing Rabbit Community disposes 13% of the wastes of a
typical USA homeowner. They practice
recycling as well as their analyzing of what comes into their homes and what
must go out. There is a conscious choice
on packaging when purchases are made.
Their community has reduced their consumption of Natural Gas down to 5%
of the single home average. Passive
solar heats all of the homes in the community and cooking is down with
community solar ovens. Hay Boxes (boxes
of heavily insulated materials will serve as a storage for food containing pots
to finish cooking). Their community has
reduced the use of automobiles down to 7% and their gas consumption down to 6%
of the national average.
Their food choices involves a vegetarian diet consisting
of locally grown and available produce.
The elimination of red meat has dramatically reduced their overall
carbon footprint due to its resource needs.
Their buildings and homes are quite beautiful to look at and not ugly at
all. The buildings reflect certain
artistic touches that add to that sense of beauty. Overall, there is a great commitment to
reducing the carbon footprint by community members that the average home
consists of about 230 square feet.
Some principles that citizens observe are:
Re-use of materials and items
The striving for timeless work
Development of relationships
Service to community
Life Lon Learning
Balance with Technology
Weighing the values of each decision
In their community, they have a Dance Hall, Playing
Field, Restaurant and Community Park that members and friends can use. They rate their quality of life measure equal
to that of Seattle Washington. Where the
average income of a typical US citizen is $43,000 per year, citizens of Dancing
Rabbit have an average income of $10,000 – and live quite well. Members practice the 4 C’s : Creativity, Compassion, Courage, and
Cooperation. Members realize that the
economic choices they make are NOT neutral but have a direct effect on other
beings and people. Part of their lives
focus on making sure that the “right stuff” gets incentivized. Change is easier when done together.